Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Rainy, Yet Productive Day

     Oh, how I don't long for the week ahead that will be filled with learning and hard work.  Oh, how I don't look forward to the monotonous practice and rehearsal schedule with no time in between.  I'm so thankful for the weekends in between five days of STUFF STUFF STUFF!  Unfortunately, my Sunday was anything but relaxing.  I woke up to the sights of an overcast day, which surprisingly made me feel comfortable.  I went for a hot, humid run with my nifty little iPod shuffle providing me with songs that keep my brain from turning into mush as I run past the same scenery and same everything.  I hate the suburbs.  There isn't enough going on for me.  After my run and shower, I started on a long journey called "Typing an Essay", which takes more brain power than I'm willing to muster out on a Sunday morning.  I start compiling all my research and knowledge into one document, and this is no simple task.  I had to compile multiple sources of information together to prove how Humans descended.  Yeah, I think it sounds a little complex, too.
     Meanwhile, the weather radio is freaking out about the approaching storms.  Somehow, the radio is set to receive alerts from almost half of Illinois.  My dad says that it's because I used to be deathly afraid of thunderstorms so he set it up to alert us even if the storm is 100 miles away.  He said it got quite annoying when it would go off and there wouldn't even be the slightest sign of an approaching storm.  The storm, as alerted by the screaming radio, approached and did what storms do best.  Joe and Dad were at baseball, but Joe forgot his phone on the counter so they had to return home to get it.  I, however, was making lunch.  I made a hot sandwich with turkey and Swiss Cheese.  I love Swiss Cheese!  I took it out back, along with tortilla chips and delicious bean dip, to watch the storm's wrath take hold while I simply ate my sandwich under the protection of the deck.  Joe and Dad came out when they got home because they were in no hurry to get back to the baseball game.  Joe's hopes and wishes were futile because his game was cancelled in the end.

   After church ended, I went with Lucas to collect food for the Harvest Sunday drive.  Not even half the people donated, but those who did donated generously.  We returned to sort the food out, and took it to the church.  Overall, it took about 3 hours, which isn't too bad.  As soon as I stepped foot into my house, I knew I needed to get to work on that forsaken Biology paper.  I finally typed my last words, printed it, had my dad proofread it, printed again, stapled, and put it in my binder, never to be touched again until I get my feedback from the teacher.  My allergies have been acting up again, which is quite annoying when sitting in an awkwardly
 silent church with snot dripping down your face.  The lady next to me wouldn't even interact with me because she thought I was sick.  Oh well.  She wasn't acting kindly in the house of God, which is her loss.  Today, I have probably went through an entire box of tissues, and I wouldn't be surprised if my nose gets a painful rash tomorrow.  I hate being allergic to Springtime.

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