Monday, May 14, 2012

Charitable Tournament

      This weekend was quite dense with activity.  I spent most of my time at an Ultimate Frisbee tournament as a volunteer of my time.  A few of my many tasks included score keeping, basic statistic recording, set up, and tear down.  I decided to do these generous tasks because of the many perks I would receive.  At the end of all my volunteering, I was rewarded with three discs, a Volunteer jersey, three water bottles, free Which Wich each day, and some sweat bands.  It was quite the deal considering the work I was asked to do wasn't boring or strenuous.  I actually enjoyed myself when it wasn't freezing cold and windy.  
     Also this weekend, my Relay for Life team and I made cupcakes to sell at the Tournament.  We hoped that the deliciousness of the cupcakes would relieve the players from their stressful games and in turn lead to donations.  On Friday night, two of my team members, and my mom and I made cupcakes to sell.  My mom and I used cheap GFS cake mix and frosting mix while my friends used nice Betty Crocker cake mix and Pillsbury frosting.  Their cupcakes were a lot better than ours.  

It seems like that will make quite enough cupcakes!  
 This picture may not seem like it, but she actually posed for it.  I told her to turn around and look as if she was actually cooking, but instead she pulls of a pose like this where you can obviously see her smile.  I asked her "Would you really be grinning this wide if I were taking a candid picture of you making cupcakes?"  I told her to take another picture and her next pose was much less appropriate.

 Mom left me alone because she had some errands to run.  I look at these cupcakes and don't know if they are done or not.  They still looked like batter to me, but I wanted to be sure so I didn't produce nasty cupcakes with burned bottoms.  Unfortunately, my keen baking reflexes don't exist, and as I tried to get my hand around the tray without dipping my mom's favorite hot pad into the cupcakes, I lifted the tray up and rubbed the cupcakes all on the top tray!
The batter got all over the oven and I knew mom would be mad.  Every time I use the oven I spill something everywhere.  Here's the thing, I don't know how to clean an oven so after I did this I had to think fast.  I took a rag and moistened it to wipe off the rack and oven bottom the best I could.  Sadly, it wasn't enough because my mom walked in and exclaimed "Sam!  Did you leave the cupcakes in?  Are they burning?"  Things went downhill from there.

 They're quite fluffy for a cheap GFS brand.
 Look at the variances in color!  I'm such a professional.
 Look at the variances in size!  I don't think I should make cupcakes for a living, or rather ever again.

 This beautiful sign was a contribution of the mighty Mira!  She donated the sign with the nicely personalized message of "Help Support the Lifesavers :)" and 12 store bought cupcakes.  I guess something is better than nothing.
 Oh the things money can do.  Small pieces of paper and little metal circles control the world.

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