Saturday, May 26, 2012

Alison and the Bear

     She ran as fast as she could away from the tremendously terrifying grizzly.  She tripped.  Her heart stopped.  The bear ripped her head off and killed her in an instant.  It roared.  It ate her intestines like spaghetti and played jump rope with them, basking in its glorious kill of an ignorant hiker.
     Earlier that day, Alison was with a group of her best friends traversing the rural mountains of America.  They arrived upon their first camp site and instantly set up their tents preparing for the long night ahead.  Alison was the leader of the group, so it wasn't surprising she ambitiously and irrationally decided to go hiking instead of fishing for food.  They agreed because Alison had killed someone in the past for disobeying her.  In fact, this occurred yesterday in the canyons of Yosemite.
     Early in the morning after a night of camping Jasmine had subconsciously rolled over and threw her arm over Alison.  Upon awaking, Alison was in a fury.
     "GET YOUR HAND OFF ME!" she exclaimed with terror in her voice.
     "Oh, I am so sorry Alison," she apologized with desperation.  Without another word, Alison ripped Jasmine out of the tent by her hair.  Jasmine winced in agony.  Alison pulled her by her hair all the way to the cliff that lay through the trees surrounding their campsite.  There were many cliffs in Yosemite and Alison's plan involved utilizing them to relieve her anger. 
     "Stop Alison!  You can't do this!" she exclaimed with absolute terror in her voice. 
     "Shut up!" Alison screamed taking her boot and smashing into Jasmine's nose as hard as possible.  Jasmine winced slightly, but was quite silent afterwards.  The kick broke her entire face, specifically her jaw, so she couldn't even talk.  All she could do was sit an remain a victim of Alison's rage.  She pulled Jasmine to the cliff and threw her off the side without hesitation.  Jasmine's eyes were wide as she fell to the hard bottom of the valley.  Her head smashed open revealing a brain, a developing brain full of potential that is now just food for the vultures. 
     Alison's anger was now well known within her group of friends.  They didn't want to ignore her for fear of her noticing, but they were afraid of close contact as well.  One mistake in Alison's eye would mean death for the perpetrator.  They continued their hike into the dark and Alison had no intent on turning back.  Upon the nearing sunset, the group of friends united together against Alison because their desperation for survival overcame their caution. 
     "We're going to leave now Alison-"
     "No you're not!  You're all staying right here!" she barked back with a savage tone of voice. 
     "You can't control five people Alison.  We're going back," a girl said supressing her true fear of defiance. 
     "Fine, leave me alone.  I don't care."  They left her alone in the forest where she screamed and let the whole ecosystem know of her emotions.  Unfortunately the bear, the king of the animals and the forest, heard and wanted.  Just overcoming hibernation, the bear was hungry for food, and a small teenage girl was just perfect.  It followed her using its keen eyesight, nose, and ears.  It evolved over millions of years into the perfect hunting machine.  It got closer and closer to the unsuspecting Alison who was throwing rocks at rabbits and birds.  This put mother nature on the bear's side.  The bear found her, and the chase began.  The chase commenced.  The chase ended with a delicious meal for a hungry bear. 

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