Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nature's Tragedy

     Nature is a strong force that creates and ends life simultaneously.  When examining the evolution and history of this earth, especially with the creation of humans, it's easy to see the drastic change within ecological conditions.  What makes humans unique is that they alter their environment.  Let's look at this case involving a small nest of bunnies in the yard of a vicious greyhound.
     Early this morning before the teenagers awake, an innocent greyhound wanders outside with the intention of exploration and other dog-like activities.  She walks over to the nest of young bunnies that were just exposed yesterday and sees them wandering outside the nest, unaware of the giant monster that wants their innards.  Out of the corner of her keen eye, the greyhound sees the innocent bunnies and rushes over to them.  Surely they would hope that the muzzle upon her nose to prevent feces consumption would aid in her attack, but much to their dismay, it most likely made the massacre worse.  The mother witnessing this event describes the greyhound's head smashing and paw smacking as funny, which is the word she was soon criticized on.  The husband and father rushes out to stop and assess the carnage.  Of supposedly three rabbits, two are dead.  Upon later inspection by the late rising teenager, the third and final bunny is also dead and the nest is empty.  Upon even later inspection by the other late rising teenager, there is yet another bunny that is frantically hopping about its recently filled and destroyed nest.  Upon even later, and final inspection, there is a second frightened bunny hopping around its destroyed home.
     Surely nature had this in store for these poor bunnies, but humans are humans and they play with nature all the time, so why not try to fight off the evil aspects of nature's worldly plan?  We took in the bunnies and put them into a box with their nest materials.  We protected them from outside animals and hopefully from the ferocity of the greyhound.  As of now, they are hopefully resting and calming down and hoping for the return of their mother.

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