Monday, April 30, 2012


      I can't say I complain about these kinds of days where most people would be complaining.  I think the rain is peaceful and symbolizes this.  These days make me want to sit inside and actually complete my homework (which is what I should be doing right now).  There isn't any temptation to go outside and throw a frisbee with a "I can do work afterwards" attitude.  I cannot wait for the big thunderstorms of June and July that shake my whole house like a giant subwoofer in a nice sound system.  The rain motivates me to back up my computer for six hours so that I can take it into the Geeks at
Geek Squad for surgery.  I may be a
computer kid, but I don't know one bit of information regarding computer hardware.  I sit here with a biology project in front of me, one that's not due until Monday, wanting to get a head start.  "Why am I going to do
I don't even play this instrument anymore!  Oh well, it's better than homework.
this?  It's not due for a while?  You'll have time later!".  Good one, Mr. Brain, but I know there isn't going to be any time later.  Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  On these "I have nothing after school" days, I feel relaxed and lazy.  I think,"Shouldn't I be doing something productive with myself?  I could be getting a job, or finding places to volunteer.  After all, I do have to go to college in four years".  Consider that time period, Four Years.  Even when rationalizing my decisions in the form of a blog post, I still don't want to prepare for college!  That's all for Junior Year baby!  I'll save it all for when I'm drowning in AP United States History notes and AP Calculus.  Also, let's throw in Marching Band, Ultimate Frisbee, ACT test preparation class, eating, and sleeping.  Those last two might have to wait for a while, but they aren't that important anyways.  The negative thing about rain?  I have no motivation to exercise.  I could easily go into the basement and lift weights, but instead I'd rather sit here and type about how I don't want to lift weights.  Everyone, enjoy your rainy, overcast day, and hope that tomorrow is sunny.

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