Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Dawn of the Audition

     Months and months of hard work lead up to your performance in an audition, and despite the solid foundation you've built from practice, it still seems like auditions never go as planned.  However, those auditions where things do go as planned, well, they give a feeling of euphoria that no one can take away.  I have an audition for the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras today, and I've been working since January on this literature.  After a while of enthusiastic practice, I started to realize what succeeding would mean.  I would have to go all the way to Chicago every weekend to play my instrument in the orchestra.  This put a damper on things quite fast.  Even now I'm hesitant with my desires to make it in, despite the honor and impressiveness of the orchestras.  I told my private teacher my concerns with the audition, and he was surprised, but he still knew that I was going to work and work to make the music sound the best I could.  I know in my hear that I've worked to make this music sound the best I could.  I hope to have a lucky day with a good performance in the audition room.  I've been working for this short chunk of time, and all I can do is see how it goes.

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