Monday, October 1, 2012

Wait, Another Audition?

     It seems that involvement in music is just a cycle of excessive preparation for auditions.  This is especially true at Neuqua.  Over the last few months, I've had auditions for CYSO (one entrance audition and a seating audition, an IMEA pre audition and tomorrow I have the actual IMEA audition.  The cycle will continue to a jazz audition, solo and ensemble, and next year's band placement auditions.  It's a constant stressor for some people, but I feel that it's these deadlines and goals that push me to be a better player.
     Auditions are never a representation of perfect playing, which is why it's hard to accept audition results when they are released.  The gratification of seeing your name on a sheet of paper hanging on the wall is great, but the disappointment can be heavy.  I've been on a success streak lately.  I made the CYSO, I earned an impressive seating in CYSO, and I made it to the IMEA audition.  This has probably clouded my emotional capability to feel failure which I may feel after this audition.  The IMEA scales are always a problem for me because the focus necessary for a flawless performance is hard to obtain, especially in a stressful situation.
     I've been working hard on this difficult music, and I hope it pays off.  I know that I have two more opportunities to make it into the district festival, and maybe even the All State festival!  It's also not the end of the world because I don't have ambitions for a future in music.  All I can do is hope I'm feeling at my best tomorrow.  

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