Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's Been a While

     For some strange reason, my urge to document my daily life on this blog to improve my writing ability has ceased for the past week.  Maybe it's because of the monotony of writing that has caused the blog to lose it's charm, but this should not be an excuse because I vowed to keep blogging and improving my vocabulary in hopes for a more successful future.  To all three or so of you who actually read this, keep enjoying.  I hope to be back into a more regular schedule.  

This is Sugar, my uncle's new dog-in-law.  This past weekend, my uncle and his wife came up here to see Chicago, my kind of town.  My mom opened up the house to let them stay, and they brought up my grandma as well.  It seems that traveling families don't just bring themselves, but they rather bring an array of other things from children to animals.  They had to bring their dog, Sugar.  The only concern was that Becca, my greyhound, wouldn't get along with Sugar because of her temperament to other dogs that are not awkward greyhounds.  When Sugar and Becca went on their first walk, Becca was instantly a complete bully.  She tried multiple times to simply bite Sugar, but Sugar was able to keep completely composed.  Upon arrival back at the house, Sugar was exploring like Columbus supposedly did.  She was running around from person to person, sniffing everything in her nose's reach.  This put Becca on edge.  See, Becca has her own routine that she follows with obsessive compulsive behavior.  Sugar broke every single rule Becca had established for herself, and they put her in a cantankerous mood for the whole weekend.  Luckily she calmed down a little more towards Sunday, but for the most part, Becca was distraught.  

 Part of the fun that comes with visitors is the games.  See, Joe would never want to play a game with his family, but if his grandmother comes, he's all over it.  When my uncle and his wife were in Chicago, the rest of us went about our normal lives.  I had my SAT on Saturday morning which was an experience that I'm glad I had.  Hopefully it can open some doors for me in the future.  When everyone was done with work, it was time for play.  Joe, Mom, Grandma and I decided to play cards while the two dogs were running around outside.  We played Rummy and B.S.  Grandma, despite her complete oblivion to the game, still manages to win.  She won B.S. and then she won our succeeding game of Clue!  She barely even knows the rules, but she still manages to win.  She's that way all the time though.  Whenever we play Apples to Apples, Grandma always wins even when she doesn't know what half the adjectives mean.  

The last event of the weekend was the magical Kite Festival.  We used to go to the Kite Festival when we were younger.  I've always been mesmerized with kites, especially the massive ones that just flow smoothly in the wind.  It was surreal at first, but the feeling quickly ended and was replaced with musicality because I had to perform with my steel band!  It's always fun to play the steel pans in a band, and this time was any different.  I cannot wait for steel band next year.  Hopefully I'll make the better group.  Steel band was a really fun time this year, and the time commitment wasn't horrific either.  

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