Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Driver's License

     On Saturday I finally got my Driver's License and the freedom of driving that comes with it!  My birthday, having been three months ago, was much less exciting because of the absence of this license.  Now I can finally be 16 with all the freedoms to drive myself!  Fortunately for me, my family has three cars for three drivers so I don't have to worry about sharing it and working with conflicting schedules.  The only conflict that does exist is that I don't have a parking spot at school, therefore anything after school has to either involve a bus home or a ride from my mom.  This tends to be easy to work out despite this week of final exams where the scheduling is jumbled.
     Final exams have been the least of my worries this year.  I am hardly studying at all for any of my finals because of my hard work throughout the semester.  My teachers have already taught all the information on it and I've already studied it all so I don't need to study a lot now.  Especially in AP Human Geography, in which I've prepared extensively for the previous unit tests considering I need to know all the information in the course for the AP exam at the end.  The free response questions are looming on the corner and providing me anxiety about this AP exam.  Even the questions on the topics I know don't make sense and I wouldn't know the answers.  We'll see how my preparation is working out as the exam day nears, but for now I can only hope that I'm able to answer the questions on this test.
     Christmas is coming around the corner and my excitement is starting to grow as the week's end nears.  For the weekend, we are going to my Grandma and Grandpa's house for celebration and gift exchange.  I'm especially excited to be part of the White Elephant this year after many years of simply watching.  We're going to come back on Christmas Eve and spend time together as just an immediate family.  That weekend, we're taking a trip up to my cousin's house in Minnesota for skiing and paint-balling and also for a New Year's celebration.  On the first we're headed back here where my plans are getting exciting.  On Wednesday, I'm going to a birthday party for my friend, Thursday is a trip to see the long awaited Les Miserables movie, and Saturday is a rollerblading night.  The fact that I can drive makes things a lot more enjoyable because I don't have to worry about getting a ride from a parent or coordinating that with them.
     Times are getting enjoyable, and I cannot wait for my finals to be complete.

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