Wednesday, December 19, 2012

AP English?

     Why is this question one that bothers my mind whenever I think of school?  Everyday I walk into my english class, I think about how an AP English class would benefit my growth as a student.  My english skills are decent, but I believe that the rigor of an AP English class would help them continue to grow.  The only problem is the workload that comes with a class such as this.  I also want to take AP US History, which is apparently the most difficult class at Neuqua.  The workload for that alone is very massive and adding AP English would constitute a ton of homework for those classes alone.  This would give me no time to figure out AP Calculus homework or Honor Physics homework.
     They tell us in high school to take classes that interest us, so that would justify taking AP US History, and I am really interested in science so that constitutes the Honors Physics and AP Calculus.  I believe that my decision will be to take regular English again because AP US History will include analyzing information and writing essays based on it.  This is probably to smart choice because I will actually have some more time to spend figuring out complex ideas in Calculus and remembering Physics formulas.  I won't have to worry about three AP tests and I won't be too stressed.  Sure enough something else could come and change my decision, but for I think the answer is a no.

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